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Action Director

Arts Director

Education Director

Events Director

Media Director

Outreach Director



We connect like-minded individuals, educate the climate leaders of the future, act to reduce emissions in Oxford, and provide platforms for academic and artistic engagement with climate change.

The Oxford Climate Society is an award-winning University of Oxford society dedicated to connecting and developing informed climate leaders.
Our membership extends from students to professionals and the general public, welcoming all levels of interest and experience. We connect like-minded individuals, inspire and educate the next generation of climate leaders, take action towards ambitious emission reductions in Oxford, and provide platforms for academic, artistic, and social engagement with climate change.

We host a programme of free, weekly public events during term that explore diverse interdisciplinary perspectives on climate change, ranging from feminism to international development, politics to psychology, science to social issues and much more. These events, including any in-person events that are possible this year, are streamed on our YouTube channel, where you can view recordings of past events.

We organize the Oxford School of Climate Change, a nine-week course that brings together a diverse group of participants and provides them with a comprehensive education in the core issues underlying climate change, as well as the most promising solutions that have emerged across the world to address it.  Participants will get the unique opportunity to learn from some of Oxford University’s most distinguished climate experts, engage in lively  and candid group discussions, and become part of our community of tomorrow’s climate leaders. Last year, the School was run virtually and had over 1000 participants from around the world.

We run several campaigns, including Decarbonise Oxford and Climate on the Curriculum. Decarbonise Oxford is our new campaign for all of the University's colleges and permanent halls to adopt carbon reduction and sustainability targets at least as ambitious as the University's aim of net zero carbon and biodiversity net gain by 2035. We invite all students to lobby their college for ambitious carbon reduction and biodiversity targets and will provide you with all the materials you need to get started! Our second campaign, Climate on the Curriculum, is dedicated to improving coverage of climate change on curricula across degree programs. We work with students to augment reading lists, and also with subject committees to both integrate climate change into existing courses where opportunities naturally exist, and to develop new courses where necessary.

We are home to a variety of publications, including our blog, RISE, and Anthroposhere. We host an award-winning blog that provides reports and analysis of climate change in the news to promote global awareness of environmental issues, as well as explanations of key concepts in climate change. RISE is an artistic zine celebrating creativity in the age of climate change, and includes environmental engagement in forms including art, poetry, short stories and drawings. Anthroposphere is our climate review, covering climate change through a wide range of perspectives including natural science, economics, policy, and literature to make discourse on climate change accessible to all, and to highlight climate change's complex intersections with diverse aspects of society, cultural change, and everyday life.
