Get Involved

As part of the Transformation Plan we need to hear from as many students, alumni and other stakeholders as possilbe to understand what you think the future of Oxford SU should be. We're planning lots of ongoing student consultation into Michaelmas, so if you're busy with exams this Trinity Term, don't worry there will be plenty of other opportunities, keep an eye on your inbox and these pages.

What are we asking? 

This part of the consultation is broad-brush. This means that we will be asking deliberately open-ended questions about our purpose, what our objectives should be and how we should represent students. Its essentially anything you want to tell us about how you think the SU should work. 

Trinity 2024 Update

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the consultation so far. Now that UG Term has ended we are going to focus our energy on relationships with University departments, Colleges and alumni. Check back over the summer for more opportunities to be involved in this transformative work.

Individual student or alumni consultations 

If you are an individual student or alumni, or you’re just interested, you can book a meeting with the Change Director or with any of the SU Sabbatical Officers by emailing 

book a meeting with the change director

Want to get more involved? 

We’re also looking for volunteers to be more involved in the governance of Transformation. This might be working with the Transformation Committee or advising on ways to better engage students in the process. If you’re interested in being more involved in 2024/25 then email Emilie Tapping: 

All Student Survey 

We don’t just want to hear from students already engaged with us, we want to hear from as many students as possible. If you have an interest in the future of the SU or you just have something you’d like to say, you can complete our open survey here below.  

Complete the Survey 

Consultation Meetings 

If you are a part of a Common Room Committee you should have received an email from us asking for an invite to your next General Meeting or similar. If you haven’t received this or you would like to book in a consultation meeting you can book some time in here.

jcr booking form x mcr booking form


Past Activity

Open Meeting 

On 12 June 2024 at 5:30pm we’ll be hosting an in-person meeting at the Old Fire Station. The meeting is open to all students and we'll be talking through the plan so far, presenting some of the responses to the consultation and collaboratively discussing solutions for piloting in Michaelmas 2024. Unfortunately, due to capacity issues this event will be ticketed, but we will publish minutes after the meeting.

rsvp x Agenda x draft Proposal (updated 10/06)

If you’re involved in representing students – come along to the RepCom which suits you best: 


Tue 14th May  

17:00  8:00  

Oxford SU  


Wed 14th May 


Oxford SU  

Disability RepCom 

Thu 16th of May  


Oxford SU  


Tue 21st of May  


Oxford SU  

MCR PresCom  

Wed 29th of May  




Thu 23rd May 


Oxford SU  


Mon 27th of May 

17:00- 18:00  

Oxford SU  


Tue 28th of May 

17:00- 18:00  



Wed 29th of May 

17:00- 18:00  



Thu 30th of May 

17:00- 18:00  


If you are a member of a Campaign you will be contacted separately, or you can email