Dear {firstname},
This is your fortnightly reminder that agenda items for the next Student Council meeting need to be submitted by 1pm Thursday X week. Examples of agenda items are:
Creating SU Policy - SU Policy is a statement of belief which lasts for 3 years, for example, "Oxford SU believes that all students should have access to a college nurse". The Sabbatical Officers often use SU Policy to back up their arguments in university committees.
Creating an SU Project - SU Projects are approved by Student Council and run by the students. The Project Leader will receive SU Staff support, a £200 budget, and promotion from the SU. For more details about project see further down this email.
Items for Discussion - An informal discussion. If your Common Room is facing an issue and you'd like the opinion of other Common Rooms then you can submit it as a discussion item.
Mandate an SU Officer - If you'd like an SU Officer to take a certain position in a university committee, to take action on a certain issue, or to gather feedback for a certain purpose, then you can mandate them. Mandates must have a set expiry date, for example, "To mandate the SU President to write a letter to the Vice Chancellor, in 5th week Hilary Term 2019, expressing...".
Motion of Commendation - When an SU Officer has done something particularly good you can commend them with a motion of commendation.
Motion of Censure - When you think an SU Officer has not acted in the best interests of the student body you can censure them. If an SU Officer receives 3 censures it will trigger an automatic Motion of No Confidence.
Motion of No Confidence - Removes an SU Officer from their position. Must be passed by 2/3 majority in two consecutive meetings of Student Council followed by a referendum requiring a simple majority.
Amend a Governing Document - Any student can propose changes to the Bye-Laws, Regulations, Rules of Student Council, and Campaign Constitutions. Changes must be submitted verbatim.