A statement from Oxford SU regarding recent events

We are deeply concerned by the events that transpired during the Oxford Action for Palestine (OA4P) protests last week that culminated in the presence of police on campus.

We unequivocally support the democratic right of students and staff to engage in peaceful protest. Peaceful protest is a vital aspect of academic freedom and democracy, and it is essential for the healthy expression of diverse viewpoints within our community.

Whilst the full facts surrounding the incident are still being established, the reports from students involved in the protests and other witnesses about what transpired and the subsequent police involvement are deeply troubling. Our primary concern is the safety and wellbeing of those directly affected by this situation.

Indeed the safety and well-being of all students and staff must be the highest priority, and we condemn in the strongest terms any physical violence or intimidation, any antisemitic and/or Islamophobic incidents and violent attacks, whether physical, verbal, or emotional. Such acts are unacceptable and must be prevented.

We call on the University of Oxford to take immediate steps to address these concerns and engage directly with the Student protesters, giving serious consideration to their demands. Constructive and respectful dialogue is essential for resolving these issues and ensuring that the voices of the student body and the University community are heard and respected.

We stand with the students who were affected by these events and call on the university to take decisive action to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future. We urge the university to collaborate with us and student representatives to create a safe and inclusive environment where all members of the community can express their views without fear of violence or retribution. It is vital that we all care for each other’s well-being and work together to foster a community based on mutual respect and understanding.