Independent Statement from Oxford SU

The Oxford Students’ Union has released an independent statement apologising to its former President. Read the statement in full here:


The newly constituted board of Oxford University Students’ Union has received and

accepted an independent report on a grievance submitted by former President Danial

Hussain in relation to the previous academic year 2023/24. The report upheld Mr Hussain’s

complaint that the Union failed in its responsibilities, and in particular its duty of care,

towards him as an employee and elected leader.

The report makes no findings of wrongdoing by any individual. The failure identified was

collective. The report describes an accumulating failure by the organisation as a whole to

address issues properly which had a significant and negative impact on Mr Hussain and his

wellbeing. This included the publication of media articles containing sensitive, confidential

but incomplete information about internal HR processes. Those processes were followed

between August 2023 and February 2024 in relation to two separate issues and involved two

periods of suspension. The report commissioned by the Board concluded in relation to the

first issue that the allegation against Mr Hussain was unfounded and unsupported by

evidence (as confirmed by the investigation carried out at the time) and that the decision to

suspend him was not well-founded. In relation to the second issue, the report found that the

period of suspension was not warranted in the circumstances and noted that the outcome of

the process was that Mr Hussain should return to his role. Throughout that period, the

report found, Mr Hussain did not receive the level of support he should have received, and

unnecessary damage was done to working relationships.

The Board, on behalf of OXSU, apologises to Mr Hussain. It also recognises his contribution

to Oxford SU’s work, saying “Despite the challenges Danial faced, he led several long-

lasting projects that have positioned the SU for future success. These include the College

Disparities Report and the organisational transformation that Oxford SU will be implementing

over the next year. These initiatives will serve as lasting legacies of his determination and

strategic vision”

The report makes a number of recommendations which the board of Oxford SU has

accepted and has implemented or is in the course of implementing. These include equality

and diversity unconscious bias training for the whole organisation, clarity about people’s

roles, relationships and responsibilities and support for elected officers in their roles,

practical and constructive ways of dealing with issues and tensions and a documented and

resourced procedure for supporting anyone suspended.