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By Lauren Schaefer, Vice President for Postgraduate Education and Access 

Since 2018, proposed changes to Statute XI— the statute which sets out serious non-academic misconduct—have been circulating around various University committees. To put this into perspective, there have been five British Prime Ministers and an entire US Presidency since these changes were first proposed.  

The proposed changes are designed to produce a clearer, more accessible, more effective Statute with a new accompanying non-academic disciplinary procedure that is easier for reporting and reported students to understand and navigate. They also bring the University into line with many of the colleges, and with external guidance from University regulators. 

However, last year, when the initial proposals were brought forward, concerns about freedom of speech and potential overreach sparked widespread concern among students and staff alike, leading to the withdrawal of the original draft. Now, a working group is revisiting these issues, and they want to hear from you:  

Do the proposed amendments address the concerns raised last year, especially around free speech and the legal context in which the University operates? 

As your VP for Postgraduate Education and Access, I serve as your student representative on the working group reviewing these changes. While I work hard to ensure your voices are heard at the highest levels of University governance, I can’t do this alone. These consultations are your opportunity to directly influence the final version of the statute, and it’s vital that you take part. 

At the Students’ Union we’ve provided two clear avenues for your input- completing the feedback form and attending our Student Consultative Forum on Thursday 23 Jan 2025. Both the form and forum information can be found on our website. 

If turnout is low, it may indicate that students are happy with these changes, so we remind you that it’s your last chance to have your voice heard regarding this statute. Your input will shape how seriously student concerns are taken in future governance discussions. 

We’ve worked to create these spaces for you to share your thoughts in a meaningful way that the University will pay attention to. Now, I need you to show up. I need evidence—your voices, your opinions—to amplify in these critical conversations. 

This is your University, and your voice matters. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by.