Teaching Award Winners 2019

The Students’ Union Teaching Awards recognises the teachers, tutors and staff who make a positive difference to students’ experience and lives while at Oxford.


In 2019, we received a huge amount of quality nominations. Thank you to all those who took the time to nominate and congratulations to everyone who was nominated.

The winner were announced at a ceremony at the Ashmolean Museum on 9th May 2019.

(ID ^ winners from the Teaching Awards standing holding their awards in the Ashmolean
foyer infront of a teaching awards banner)

Best Post Graduate Teacher

Winner- Celine Jones, Nuffield Department of Women’s & Reproductive  Health

“Celine Jones, Laboratory Manager of the MSc in Clinical Embryology program, deserves the award for the best PG teacher because she offers unfaltering support for both the academic success and emotional wellbeing of all 23 students in the program. Her approach to teaching stands out to me because of the time and effort that she puts in to make sure that we are able to excel and make the most of our time at Oxford. Not only does she go out of her way to allow us to have the best experience during lab practical, but also offers advice on our written assignments, even offering to personally provide feedback on all of our essays while most supervisors would only help 4-5 students. When she notices that a student may be struggling with lecture material, she immediately spends extra time explaining or creates additional practice exercises for the student to complete. She also helps us with professional development, critiquing our CVs and helping with personal statements and program applications. Celine is also very quick to notice if one of us is struggling emotionally and will always provide a listening ear and a helping hand. Celine Jones is one of most inspiring women that I have ever met in her determination, work ethic, and care for others. She is exactly the type of teacher that I would hope all teachers to be in order to facilitate the development of better students and future scientists.”

Best Support Staff

Winner- Lucy Jarman, School of Geography and the Environment

"Lucy works as the undergraduate co-ordinator at the Dept of Geography where she is a bedrock of the department, always a friendly face to chat to or email to help with a range of areas including every day lectures and classes to helping organise the fab fieldtrips which make a Geography degree at Oxford extra special.

Lucy is always keen to help students with their endeavours in any way she can by providing advice about who to talk to in the department as well as helping to Geography Society grow within the department by helping to promote their events.

Lucy has also been really supportive of student's access and outreach work helping to facilitate the Geography Society's study day this term as well as helping on other outreach initiatives such as the Royal Geographical Society's Ambassador Scheme and the new mentoring application pathway project for offer holders. Her support for such schemes has really encouraged students especially given the absence of an outreach officer in the department, she has gone beyond her role to help make things happen- including helping supply tea and cake for our volunteers at events!"

Most Acclaimed Lecturer

Winner-Dr Eric Ohuma, Tropical Medicine

“Eric teaches statistics, a subject we (people from medical backgrounds) have strong preconcieved opinions about. All through Michaelmas term, Eric explained every single concept in the most detailed way, until every single person in class understood. He brought in fun methods of testing our knowledge such as an online voting system with funny background music, it was sure to capture our attention all through the lecture. Afterwards, he stayed in the department for (un-Godly) late hours, answering questions and concerns about not only his subject but also about exam taking strategies and other (random) concerns. If you ask anyone in our cohort, I think we all agree; he's the most acclaimed lecturer in this university.”

Outstanding Graduate Supervisor

Winner- Jane Crawley, Tropical Medicine

“Coming from a country with tight communities, the transition to Oxford was very challenging. Jane made it significantly easier. Through inviting he to her home, to musical events and to even Carolling; she made Oxford feel a little bit more like home. In her supervisor role, she was sure to answer all my emails and questions in the most timely and detailed fashion. After recognising I was going through a tough time, she made sure to regularly check in and make sure I'm alright. All in all, I think she's one of the most decent and fun people that I got to know here, and she's a big part of why I'm continuously challenging my limits.”

Winner- Dr Christopher Gerry, St Antony’s College

“Dr. Gerry provides excellence academic guidance as a supervisor, but he also works tirelessly to make himself available to support and encourage students in whatever they are facing, whether it is simply the arduous task of thesis writing, the concerns of everyday life, or taking care of their physical and mental health. Quite honestly, I think you would be hard pressed to find another supervisor at Oxford who is as dedicated as Dr. Gerry in helping their students achieve success both in academics and in life.”

Supporting Students (Academic)

Winner Prof Christina de Belliague, History

"Christina de Bellaigue has consistently gone above and beyond her duty to support me throughout the 3 years of my degree. She is instinctively thoughtful, and makes arrangements for me without drawing other students’ attention to this, which has been very important to me. While sometimes the additional arrangements I require can make me feel different and singled out, Christina has always ensured that I do not feel this way in her tutorials and classes.

She is incredibly committed to ensuring that I have the best chance at progressing with my degree. Where it has not been possible for the timetable to be changed to meet my needs, Christina has offered me 1:1 meetings to ensure that I do not miss out on anything. I was particularly unwell during my second year, and this meant I missed out on some of my work. Christina has arranged for me to have additional tutoring to make up for this and also made it possible for me to attend the classes this year (my third year). This has been so important in ensuring that my health problems do not impede my studying.

Christina is the most incredible tutor for supporting welfare. While these are my own experiences, I know that she has also helped so many other students pastorally, and is very committed to inclusivity. I couldn’t ask for a more supportive, caring and outstanding tutor."

Supporting Students (Non Academic)

Winner, Dr Rebekah White, Experimental Phycology

"I think Rebekah really deserves this award for her dedication to student support and because I think her approach makes a real difference to students’ lives, on the basis of the difference it has made to mine.

The weekly emails reminding us of these walks have felt like a weekly reminder that the college cares about our wellbeing and is trying to do something about it.

Rebekah is a great listener: I have always felt as though she feels that the time we spend talking is important, even if she mainly just listens whilst I talk through things. She is also non-judgemental but honest, and she is always positive and leaves me feeling uplifted.

Earlier this term, I said to someone that I felt sorry for any student at my college who had never reached out to Rebekah, because without her support this year I would have felt a lot more alone and insecure. I hope that there is someone like Rebekah at every college in Oxford."

Outstanding Tutor

Winner, Emine Cakir, Oriental Studies

Emine absolutely deserves to win outstanding tutor. I am in my second term of Turkish language studies having taken it up as my subsidiary language at the beginning of Michaelmas. I have never experienced better language instruction while at school, Oxford, or even abroad in Amman. She is extremely supportive and endlessly enthusiastic. Whenever we are struggling with a grammatical concept, Emine knows how to explain it in at least three more ways to help bus understand. She is very efficient with feedback, and she is always encouraging about our mistakes and does not make us feel bad for being brave with the language. She has also helped me arrange a homestay for the vacation between Hilary and Trinity. Emine makes me want to show up and give my best effort in every lesson oftentimes because I want to match the level of attention and energy she gives us. Her love of the language makes me love it too!

Exceptional Feedback

Winner- Emine Cakir, Oriental Studies

"As my BA is drawing to an end, I have grown more and more appreciative of a number of aspects that have had a significant positive contribution to my time as an undergraduate at Oxford. One of these factors that shaped my academic development throughout the four years of my course was my Turkish language instructor, Dr Emine Cakir, who I believe fully deserves the Exceptional Feedback award in recognition of her passionate involvement in the academic development of her students.

Through her genuine, energetic, optimistic, and supportive personality, Dr Cakir does more than what is expected of her as a language instructor: she is like a personal tutor to each and every one of her students. She pays very close attention to our progress, and she knows all of our linguistic strengths and weaknesses, addressing them individually through one-to-one tutorials. Her willingness to offer such detailed and tailored feedback is all the more admirable taking into consideration that there are only three students in my year including myself and that all of our classes are thus tutorial-like.

In conclusion, I have greatly benefitted from Dr Cakir’s prompt individual feedback and I wish all students had the chance to receive such personal attention from their tutors. This is why I believe that Dr Cakir truly deserves the Exceptional Feedback Award."

Diverse & Inclusive Education

Winner-  Dr Peter Claus, History

"I strongly feel that Peter needs to be recognised for the work that he does in supporting to widen access to this university. Within my role as JCR Access Rep, and having helped with the OxNet programmes over the past three years, I have seen first hand Peter, literally, change the lives of students that he has worked with.

When people think of Access at Pembroke, it is Peter that is thought off. Beginning the programme over ten years ago, and becoming the first access fellow in Oxford, Peter has made a huge contribution towards widening access to this university that needs to be acknowledged. Beginning as a summer school for a small group of students from Hackney, the Pembroke Access programme has expanded under his watch to work with a huge number of individuals from London, the North East and the North West. He is still the face of the programme, and is extremely popular among the students that attend, creating a long lasting impact."

You can read the full nominations here.