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Oxford SU supports the Climate and Ecology Bill, following a motion passed through the Student Council, our democratic decision-making body.? This bill is proposed to the UK Parliament, and if passed, would ensure a comprehensive and joined-up approach to the climate and ecological emergency.

It currently has cross-party support, with support of over 160 peers and MPs from all major political parties. Oxford SU and student campaigns have, for many years, actively campaigned for climate justice, especially calling on the University and Colleges to be as ambitious as possible in its climate and biodiversity commitments, and to cut ties with the fossil fuel industry.? 

Through supporting this bill, the student union highlights its support for national scale action, as we need action on all scales. This need for action is made hugely pertinent by the fact that climate change is impacting more and more people across the country and the world, with those least responsible often being on the frontlines of the crisis. As a country with historical responsibility and capacity to respond to this crisis, the UK has a duty to take far-reaching and comprehensive action. Oxford SU thus calls on all Oxfordshire MPs to formally support the Climate and Ecology Bill and we encourage our students to read about the bill and take individual action by writing to their MP.