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College Reps Officer

Graduate Women*’s Rep


Welfare Rep

Wom*Cam (or Women*s Campaign) is an intersectional campaign that works for feminist justice through protest, discussion groups, and social events. We aim to create a safe and welcoming activist space for women and non-binary students, and encourage all interested to join us at our events and on our committee.

The women’s campaign is for all women (trans, cis and intersex) and non-binary people, including those with complex gender identities who associate in some way with the term woman, as well as those who feel they experience structural misogyny.

These rights encompass diverse and intersecting social identities, including (but not limited to) working-class women, women of colour, disabled women, trans women and queer women. These identities are a growing part of the student demographic at Oxford, but at the women’s campaign, we recognise that there is still under-representation. ‘Intersectionality’ is a term which has only entered the popular narrative in the past decade, and is often either misunderstood, misapplied, or understood in fragments. What it means for the women’s campaign is recognising and centring the particular experiences of women of marginalised groups, and creating spaces in which these experiences can be shared, discussed and tackled.

What We Do

We organise a range of events from feminist discussion groups and panels to working on lobbying the university and collaborating on demonstrations. All our events are very welcoming and there’s no level of experience or knowledge required or expected to attend. We also hold regular open meetings where all women and non-binary students are very welcome. These are a great opportunity for anyone outside our committee to bring ideas and suggestions to us.

Our facebook page is the best place to keep up to date with what we’re doing and to get involved with our events. To join the Women’s Campaign mailing list for weekly updates on feminist events throughout the University and city, please contact one of our Co-Chairs. If you would like to publicise an event, please send information to our Co-Chairs or message our facebook page.

Find us

Twitter: @womcam

 To view our constitution please click the button below 


