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Quick Facts

I grew up on a rural farm and had a pet donkey named Anabel.


I was voted in six form as "the smiliest student".


I have a drink named after me in a local pub - pink gin and lemonade is always the way to go!

About Me

I grew up as a British expat in Israel and was an activist for many years. I then arrived in Oxford as an eighteen-year-old to start my DPhil in Politics at Lincoln College. During this time, between teaching and research, I run the OULGBTQ+ Society and got involved in advocating for trans+ inclusion and building a queer community. I was then elected to the SU with the promise of using this experience to work to benefit all students, and I’m really looking forward to doing that over the coming year!


- Council


- GPC of Council

- Student Life Committee

- Joint Mental Health Sub Committee

- Ethical investment representations review subcommittee

- Joint EDI Committee

- Conference of Colleges

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