What is Statute XI?

Statute XI deals with matters relating to University Discipline. It particularly concerns serious non-academic misconduct. 

What is the purpose of the consultation?

To gather feedback from students on the proposed amendments to Statute XI.

In Trinity Term 2024, concerns were raised about the proposed amendments. The Statute XI working group has considered these concerns and submitted an amended proposal for changes to the Statute. 

This consultation is asking: "Do the proposed amendments adequately address the concerns raised in Trinity term 2024 regarding the potential creation of new powers, as well as the possible restrictions or tensions relating to the legal context in which the University operates, especially concerning free speech?"

What are the New proposed amendments?

Our Consultation Document (below) shows the current statute, the initial amendments proposed, the concerns raised, the working groups response to concerns, and proposed resolutions. 

How can I give my feedback?

You can provide your feedback by following this link: Statute XI Student Consultation and using the password 6C9yl[9u.

The survey will be open from the 6th December 2024 until 28th January 2025. The SU will then collate all the feedback recieved through the online submissions, as well as other stakeholder consultations, to create a Student Submission to the Working Group.

The SU will also be hosting an in person Student Consultative Forum on Thursday 23rd January (Week 1, Hilary Term) in the Fitzhugh Auditorium in Cohen Quad, Exeter College. This event will be free but ticketed. At this event, the Working Group will present a summary of the proposed amendments, their justifications and proposed resolutions. The Sabbatical Officers will then host a Q&A panel, allowing students to ask questions to members of the University leadership and the Working Group. Please register for a free ticket to this forum by following this link.


Read the Consultation document here